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Cranial Osteopathy

20 minYomitan Holistics

Service Description

※こちらの施術は、筋肉や関節など身体への物理的なアプローチを一切行いません。物理療法をご希望の方はご予約はお控えください。また、クリニック内での一切の会話、質問はご遠慮ください。施術が終わり術者が部屋を出ましたら、ゆっくりと起き上がりお帰りください。 *This treatment does not involve any physical approach to the body, such as muscles or joints. If you would like physical therapy, please refrain from making a reservation. Please also refrain from any conversations or questions within the clinic. Once the treatment is finished and the osteopath leaves the room, please slowly get up and go home.

Cancellation Policy

※こちらの施術は、筋肉や関節など身体への物理的なアプローチを一切行いません。物理療法をご希望の方はご予約はお控えください。また、クリニック内での一切の会話、質問はご遠慮ください。施術が終わり術者が部屋を出ましたら、ゆっくりと起き上がりお帰りください。 *This treatment does not involve any physical approach to the body, such as muscles or joints. If you would like physical therapy, please refrain from making a reservation. Please also refrain from any conversations or questions within the clinic. Once the treatment is finished and the osteopath leaves the room, please slowly get up and go home.

Contact Details

  • Japan, Okinawa, Yomitan, Nagahama, 755-1 Yomitan Holistics / 読谷ホリスティックス

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